Equine Rocking Therapy

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Are you seeking a gentle and effective approach to enhance a horse's comfort and overall well-being that is based on the behaviour of rocking and swaying seen in animals and people?
So Why Choose Rocking Therapy?
In my years of experimenting with equine manual therapy, I've discovered that horses respond best to a subtle approach. Less is always more because they are extremely sensitive animals and my rocking therapy embraces this philosophy by utilising gentle, soothing techniques at specific locations on the horse’s body for maximum benefit.
Horses naturally rock or sway themselves without assistance, a behaviour influenced by various physiological and psychological factors. Our bite size course delves into these reasons, providing an understanding of the benefits behind these natural movements:
Just as people rock back and forth to feel calm (especially babies), horses use these motions very subtly to soothe themselves, particularly in stressful or anxious situations.
Rocking or swaying can help alleviate discomfort from ailments such as internal discomfort, arthritis, or injuries by shifting weight and reducing pressure on affected areas.
Discover how the repetitive motion of rocking or swaying stimulates a horse's senses, especially in environments with limited sensory input or horses with neurological conditions.
Follow my video demonstration showing gentle, subtle therapy techniques designed to work with the horse's natural movements, developed over years of hands-on practice and experimentation.
(1 CPD Point)